Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quit smoking now coughing up black stuff.

Hi, my girlfriend has recently been coughing up black mucus. It freaked me out and i quit for a while today. When I useally cough stuff up it just has small black flecks in it. But have you guys ever heard of this? coughing up mucus with some black stuff in it? Black-looking phlegm you cough up can be residue from smoking that is stuck in your respiratory tract. Why do you cough up black stuff. Now for what ever reason if I don't smoke for a few days. I cough up black stuff : I can tell it's from not smoking. If you still have lung pain and/or are coughing up phlegm with black speckles in.

Now, even IF you quit smoking right now; it can take over 10 years for your.

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